Easy to Use Suggestion Box Software

An employee suggestion box is a great idea right? Then why do so many of them flop? It’s simple. Gathering ideas in a suggestion box needs to be part of a complete process. KPI Fire gives you a comprehensive yet simple end to end process for gathering employee suggestions and turning them into results.

Here’s how it works.

1. Set a Goal

First set a goal for your team to accomplish in KPI Fire. A common goal gives your team direction and fertile ground for their ideas to grow.

2. Capture Suggestions

Next capture ideas and suggestions using KPI Fire’s ultra simple, 1 line suggestion entry form.

3. Prioritize Ideas

This step is important. Schedule a regular meeting with your team to review and prioritize ideas. KPI Fire’s Idea Funnel helps you organize and select the best ideas to turn into projects. KPI Fire also keeps team members in the loop with an alert or email if they miss the meeting.

4. Take Action

Finally, take action. Turn those great suggestions into projects. Use KPI Fire to assign action items and track tasks to completion. View your resultes with project and metric dashboards. When suggestions become projects that get results they become the engine powering your company’s success.

KPI Fire is the most effective and intuitive suggestion box software on the market. How do we know? Because our customers tell us!

“Our employees love using KPI Fire. We tried your competition and they told us they prefer using yours.”

– UK Manufacturing Firm

Plans start at just $15 per month for your entire team. Take the next step in turning your ideas into results. Click Here.