Product Updates

We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Last Release June 29, 2022)

Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.

New Feature

Metrics – Ability to select all dates in global filter

Add New Project, New Goal or New Metric and Show/Hide Visibility options

  • Show hide visibility  to:
    • Just Me (Viewable by Admins)
    • Department
    • Department & Below
    • All Departments (Default)

Goals – Two new fields for export “Include Linked Metrics” and “Include Linked Projects”

  • List view
    • Go to actions
    • Select Export
    • Select fields to be exported
      • New fields are “Include Linked Metrics” and “Include Linked Projects”
Goal List View Linked Metrics and projects for export


  • Project Status Report
    • Go to any project
    • Click on Status Report Tab
    • Enter the email and notes about the project
    • Click on Submit Report
    • Email is sent with project information
Status Report Email
  • Project Budget Report
    • New chart option to show each month as a bar chart.
Project Budget Bar Chart Option

Project Benefits

  • Huddleboard
    • Add Project Benefit to Huddleboard
    • Click on Project Benefit title to open up modal showing which projects roll up to this benefit


  • Huddleboard
    • You can now change one metric on the huddbleboard for another metric.
  • Huddleboard
    • Single project tile now has option to filter by task due date (none, overdue, due 7 days, due 14 days, due next 30 days).


  • Project Benefits
    • Format for Currency, Number or Percentage and adjust decimal places
Unit Format Decimal Places
  • Project Benefits Tab
    • Attachment option to upload an image or add a link
  • Project Benefits
    • Budgets:  Ability to input as monthly values, previously could only enter as annual budgets
  • Enable External Idea Submission
    • Ability to share URL that does not require software access for staff to submit ideas.

Project Charter

  • Benefits Tile
    • “New “add project benefits link
Add Project Benefit
  • Add team tile to Project Charter
    • Open project
    • Click Actions
      • Click New Tile
        • Select Team Member
Team Tile on Charter UI

Idea Funnel

  • Can now change priority of any idea in the Idea Funnel
  • Now even easier to identify ideas not linked to goal and to link to a goal
    • Go to Idea Funnel
    • Click on Linked Goals
    • Select from list of goals
    • Click Add/Link

Bug Fix

  • Fixed bug so that tasks and groups can be edited
  • On any project that has groups and/or tasks the filter popover is now opening for its group
  • Project Benefit:  Deleted data no longer visible on project benefit huddleboard
  • Ability to link metrics and goals
  • Project benefit report expand/collapse fixed for departments that have hierarchy
  • Fixed cloning issue with workflows
  • Fixed console error
  • Skip Weekend calculation fixed to automatically calculate days, depending on start date or end date
  • Changes to User Authentication Tokens.  Required for future Microsoft Teams App
  • Timeline View:  Fixed issue where projects may not open properly
  • Fixed issue in Clone Workflow feature where tasks where cloned withe completed status
  • Minor performance improvements on initial page load
  • Project Charter:  Fixed bug where files where not saving