The KPI Fire app will receive these updates this week:
Scheduled for: Feb 2, 2018

  • Improvements to the Goal-Bowling Chart page. Making easier to see the connections between goals, metrics, and projects. Image showing a new screen layout in software with various widgets.
  • Multi-Year option for Metric Charts.
  • Added new page options for setting default page for each user.
  • Multi-Select tasks now allows you to choose multiple individual  tasks or all tasks when making changes to status, or due date.
  • Goal Tiles: hide charts if values are zero.
  • Increase server sizes for improved performance.
  • Project Benefits: Added year selection filter & Year label to all benefit tabs.
  • Additional Improvements to caching so that users will not have to “refresh their cache” to see new features.
  • Added label indicating “note view” when tile is toggled to note view instead of chart view.

Other Fixes:

  • Fixed issue when Admin user would change Profile picture of other users.
  • Fixed permission issue affecting strategy users and user profile page.
  • Various fixes affecting pages that were not auto-refreshing after new data was input.
  • Fixed some issues reported where the screen would occasionally flash to a login page for some users.
  • Redirect after login. If you click a link to take you to a project or task while not logged in, it will now take you to that task after you provide your login credentials.


Upcoming Releases:  We are working on these features for upcoming releases:

  • Rich text formatting (markdown) in Task notes
  • Rich text formatting in Project Charter
  • Kanban view within Projects
  • Kanban view for Personal Page
  • Adding support for displaying Created  by & Date & Last updated by & date info
  • Updating the “link Goals/ Metrics” interface
  • More improvements to bowling charts
  • Option for custom HTML to be added to the main home page.