Continuous Improvement Software

Project Management Software  |  Lean Six Sigma Program Management

Continuous Improvement Software

Here’s how a Continuous Improvement Program works best:

Set a Goal and make it visible.

The key to getting management support is to work on goals & projects that will impact the strategic initiatives and KPIs the executive team is focused on.  It is important to keep the goals visible where others can see them and have access to them.

Idea Management

Capture Ideas for Improvement: Eliminate Waste and Variation

Don’t let a good idea get past you without collecting it. Put yourself on the floor; because this is where the action is. Talk to people doing the work and ask them for ideas to eliminate waste and variation. We do these Gemba Walks because they are a great way to solicit and capture ideas.

Spend time where it makes the biggest impact.

This step is important. Schedule a regular meeting with your team to review and prioritize ideas. For each idea, give it a rating for effort vs impact and your prioritization exercise will be much easier. KPI Fire’s Idea Funnel helps you organize and select the best ideas to turn into projects. KPI Fire also keeps team members in the loop with an alert or email if they miss the meeting.


Take Action: Turn Ideas into Projects

Finally, take action. Turn those great suggestions into DMAIC projects, KAIZEN events, or QUICK WINS. KPI Fire has built in workflows for common problem solving methods. Or you can create your own. Upload tools and templates so everyone in your company has a standard problem solving process. KPI Fire is the most effective and intuitive Lean Six Sigma program management software on the market. We are trusted by many great companies with world class Lean/Six Sigma programs.

Celebrate Success by Tracking Project Benefits

Track the hard and soft savings from your improvement projects. Celebrating successes engages your project team and creates more success.

Use KPI Fire and follow these steps to Continuous Improvement

  1. Firstly, capture and prioritize improvement ideas with effort vs impact analysis.

  2. Next, manage projects with a standard approach (DMAIC, PDCA, 8D, other).

  3. Don’t forget to track and report project status and project benefits,

  4. And be sure to share best practices to become a learning organization.

Read this article to learn more about our Lean Six Sigma Project Management Software

Management buy-in will increase as you provide clear line-of-site to strategic initiatives and show visual results in a dashboard & reports.