Product Enhancements – Release Notes June 2020

We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Released June 27 2020)

  • Project Charter –> Tags component displays all tags with checkboxes
    • New display is useful for visualizing tags such as project benefit types (ie 8 Wastes of Lean)

  • NEW! Project Summary Report:
    • A chart that summarizes the Project Benefit Types/ Tags when used.

Continuous Improvement Benefit Types Report

  • Updates to KPI Fire provided Workflows:
    • We are updating the “Tags” component on the Project Charters to use the 8 Wastes as default Tags.
    • Default Tags will be: Defects, Over Production, Waiting, Non-Utilized Talent,  Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Excess Processing, Variation
  • Team Engagement Report:
    • Added Certification Level to table
    • Can now track resource utilization within projects to identify resources(people) who may have been trained but are not being utilized on a project.
    • Certification levels are part of the User settings.

  • Table headers have blue styling to indicate when data is being sorted and/or filtered by that column

  • Metric Bar Chart:
    • Now shows the actual values in both the Daily and Monthly View

  • Advanced Search:
    • Tightened up criteria for search results to find more exact matches
  • User Name is visible from nav bar dropdown

  • Updated Modal Headers: Consistent design for improved UI.
    • Tasks, Metrics, Goals
    • Use the “X” in the corner to Save & Close modal
    • Press the “Save” button to Save & Keep Working
    • Find your Add/Edit links or Delete under Actions

Metric Modals:

User Name, Departments, Category, “X” Save & Close, Actions (Add/Edit, Delete) Save & Keep Working

Goals Modals:

User Name, Departments, Category, “X” Save & Close, Health, Progress, Actions (Add/Edit, Delete) Save & Keep Working

Task Modals:

User Name, Priority, Status “X” Save & Close, Actions (Lock/Unlock, Delete), Save & Keep Working

  • Moved Project ID into header
    • Visible from any tab

  • Project Workflow –> Export
    • Can export as both CSV and Excel (xlsx)
  • New Goal:
    • First Status Report reminder is set to the default of 30 days after the goal is created
  • Enhanced functionality of Metrics Bowling View
    • Linked metrics are grouped within a metric container that has a blue left border
    • Sub-metrics are indented from parent metrics
    • Parent metrics that are calculated from sub-metric data have a grey background
    • Parent metrics will automatically update when sub-metric is edited
    • Date headers are visible above top-level metrics

  • User License and Project Roles Permissions have been updated. User’s ability to edit areas of the project is based on project settings of flexible or non-flexible, license type, and project role.
    • Areas affected by permissions:
      • Actions: Import, Export Workflow, New Tile
      • Header: Title, Project Info
      • Project Tabs: Charter, Team, Workflow, Status Reports, Project Benefit

Actions: Import, Export Workflow, New Tile

Header: Title, Project Info

Project Tabs: Charter, Team, Workflow, Status Reports, & Project Benefits

  • My Projects page now displays most recently viewed project