We are happy to announce some new enhancements & fixes:
(Released August 18, 2020)

Note: if you don’t see the same thing in your account, try clearing your cache/cookies or use a “new private window” to refresh the cache.

  • Project Benefits:
  • Settings –> Users
    • Admin can now change users’ passwords without having the old password
  • NEW! Dashboards: Custom X Matrix
    • Create your own X Matrix views to drill down into goals in various ways
    • Can create a weak or strong relationship between projects/metrics/goals
    • Watch the demo to walk through making an X Matrix
  • Default Home Page: New Option
    • Profile Settings –> Select Homepage: New Idea
  • Custom Dashboard
    • Update UX! Add a new tile anywhere on the page with the new placing functionality.

Updated Page Names

  • To reduce redundancy and confusion we have changed two page names to be more accurate to their content. The content of the views have not changed.
  • Project tab “Workflow” is now “Tasks”
  • Project “Timeline View” is now “Portfolio Timeline”
  • Metric Bowling View
    • Added totals column
      • Metric will display total based on the Data Mode selected
        • Sum (Through current period)
        • Sum (All periods)
        • Average
        • Most Recent
  • Metric Modal
    • Added Submetrics to Metric Modal Data Tab
      • When Data Input Method is set to “sum/average sub metric data” the name of the submetric will now show at the bottom of the data page. If the submetric is collecting its data from another metric you can expand the list to drill down further. To edit the data, click on the name of the root metric and it will open that metric in a modal.
      • Easily navigate between parent and sub metrics without closing out of the metric modal
  • Project Benefits Modal
    • Added Sub Benefits to Benefit Modal Data Tab
    • Sub Benefits can be viewed and navigated to at the bottom of the Charts & Data tab in a benefit modal.